Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Top notch golfers win a place to play at St Andrews

Well done to the Aldenham A golfers on winning the ISGA Area Finals. On a cold, bright but windy day at Sandy Lodge, they beat Harrow School 2-1 to secure their place in the finals. The team has already played and beaten Haberdashers’ Aske’s and Highgate schools on their way to the finals. They now go through with 15 other schools to the National Finals at St Andrews towards the end of April to play for the title.

 This is a tremendous achievement by the team of Arran Kanth, Oliver Baker and Joshua Walker and only the second time in a quarter of a century that the team has made the National finals.

A huge thank you must also go to the members of the OA golf society who braved the elements to come and support the boys.

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