Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Admissions at 16+

Offers to join the Sixth Form at Aldenham are based on a school report, including predicted GCSE grades and an individual interview. A minimum of 5 grade 6 GCSE passes is required, with minimum grades 6 (or 7 for Maths and Science) expected in the subjects to be studied at A Level. 

All candidates must have completed a Registration Form. Candidates will be invited for interview after the application has been processed.

Our Sixth Form Information Evening will be on 25 September 2024

Guide to the Sixth Form

Destinations in 2023
Universities included Bath, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Loughborough, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Reading, Warwick, and York.
Internationally students went to study at Wisconsin Superior College, USA and  at Valencia University, Spain

A Level subjects taught:

Subjects offered are Fine Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Computer Science, Design & Technology (Product Design), Drama & Theatre, Economics, English Literature, French, Geography, Government & Politics, History, Latin, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Media Studies, Music, Music Technology, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology, Spanish.

We also offer the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) to more able pupils

Part of the
Aldenham Foundation