The Brewers’ Lecture 2019
Arranged through our close links with the Brewers’ Company, one of the oldest livery companies in the City of London, the Brewers’ Lecture reinforces links with the School dating back to its foundation in 1597 by Richard Platt himself a brewer.
School Governor and Clerk to the Brewers’ Company Colonel Michael O’Dwyer introduced the speakers at this year’s event. Mr Stephen Spencer Jones who is Master of the Worshipful Company of Brewers and Senior Sales Leader at the Heineken Brewery, was the first speaker in an excellent careers talk detailing all the opportunities in the brewing industry. He explained to our Sixth Form students about the many different career paths: “You have choices”. Also from Heineken, Mrs Ruth Bromley, one of only two Master Brewers, described the various jobs she has held in her extensive career in brewing. Mrs Sarah Spencer Jones detailed the many work opportunities available in a large company like Heineken, from Procurement to IT. The presentations were informative and challenging for our students, likely to make them consider an exciting career in brewing.
Following the presentation everyone moved to the Sixth Form Centre for the popular beer tasting to learn more and sample the actual product.
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