Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Rwandan survivor tells her own story

To mark Holocaust Day the whole school gathered in the chapel to pay our respects to those who have lost their lives in genocides around the world.

We were privileged to welcome Rebecca Usden and Jo Ingabire from the Aegis Trust to speak at the service. Rebecca outlined the work of the Aegis Trust in educating students about genocide and their work of reconciliation amongst those who have survived. Jo spoke very movingly about her own story, growing up as a young girl in Rwanda where over three quarters of her family were murdered in 1994, many in front of her when Jo was aged just five. Jo's quiet dignity as she recounted her story clearly left its mark on the pupils and this was reflected by the many questions that were asked at the end of her talk. A good number of students have told me how much the service affected them and has caused them to think.

It is my hope that a presentation like this will have a long term positive impact on the lives of all who hear it and that Jo's story will be a reminder to us all to speak out against injustice, wherever it may be occurring in the world.

Padre Chapman

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