Paull’s House Music Evening

May 17, 2016

Paull’s House entertained parents, staff and students at the Boarders’ Supper in May. The evening was entitled ‘A Night at the Movies’ with each musical performance coming from a film – from Shawshank Redemption to Harry Potter to The Fault in Our Stars, the programme of events was varied with dramatic readings, instrumental solos and solo and group singing.

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The Choir began with a number from Tangled ‘I See the Light’ which was beautiful and later the Show Choir performed an upbeat, fully choreographed number from Chicago (well done Millie Rees) arranged by Mr Austin, and concluded the main programme with a gospel version of Joyful, Joyful including a rap, courtesy of Emma Hamilton, which had everyone clapping along.

The end of the evening was saved for Mr Wyatt however, as the girls sang him a special version of Thank you for the Music. He will be sorely missed by everyone in Paull’s and everyone was keen to show him just how grateful we all are for his support, kindness and enthusiasm over the years.

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