Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Outstanding EPQ Results

Congratulations are the order of the day for students who have received outstanding results in their EPQ exams: 100% A*-B; 80% A*-A; 50% A*. The Extended Project Qualification is worth half of an A Level and is highly valued by universities because it encourages the development of independent learning and research skills. These grades have resulted in some of our students having their conditional offers from their university choices lowered including one girl who now needs only BBB in her A Levels to attend the University of Leeds, rather than AAB.

Our students chose a diverse and fascinating range of topics opting to produce these in a variety of ways, ranging from creating a cricket bat, investigating the causes of the decline in the number of serial killers, designing and making a coat for a fashion designer, assessing narco-politics and the composition of ‘Aldenham the Musical’.

The exam board’s moderator upheld and agreed with all of the marks sent by the School and noted that ‘this was an outstanding cohort and most of the submitted sample was of exceptional quality’. This is the fourth year Aldenham students have been entered for the EPQ and each year there has been an improvement in the grades, this year all were at grade B or above.

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