Martineau’s Drama – The Big Questions
December 6, 2019
At the end of a busy day of rehearsals which included sorting costumes and props for their plays on the stimulus ‘Big Questions’ in the Martineau’s Drama competition, it was time for all eight Houses to take to the stage in a crowded School Theatre.
First up was Beck House with their play ‘How will humans be remembered?’ This brave piece was judged to be the best production of the competition for its good unison, use of stage and voice-overs. Griffin was next with ‘What are the biggest regrets we will have about the 21st Century?’ which had comedic moments and related the story well. Foster’s ‘If you could send a message to the entire world, what would it say?’ conveyed a strong moral message which showed good technique. ‘What will the last note written by a human actually say?’ by Elliott had an important message about sharing, with good unison movement throughout. Neale also delivered a moral message in their production of ‘What would you do differently if you had all the money in the world?’ showing great use of lifts and statistics. Collier was another House which demonstrated impactful use of lifts and levels throughout in ‘What do you wish you had been taught earlier?’ The Mason play ‘How has technology affected us?’ had another moral message with good use of technique, lifts and time changes with costumes. The final play, by Swayne: ‘What should we do to save our planet? showed good technique and unity. The Best Actor award went to Charlie Reid in this play as he engaged the audience each time he was on stage.
Big thanks to all the tutors, the Drama department and the student helpers involved throughout the day and special thanks to the Drama Captains for their excellent adjudication – Jolie Slater, Sarah McMahon and Emma Gillespie.
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