I Week
June 22, 2021
I-Week 2021 educated and celebrated the LGBTQIA+ identity and community. With a focus on building Generation Acceptance, students worked in a range of Creative Art Subjects throughout the week, learning about the history, symbols and desires of the community in a kinesthetic and creative fashion.
Also in EDI

NOV 13, 2024
The challenges of modern life are creating an increasingly difficult world for children to navigate. Building a fundamental toolkit to regulate their own behaviour helps to develop resilience, mental resourcefulness, and adaptability. Students who can STEER effectively are likely to see reduced levels of anxiety and a better ability to manage their own environment through life. The STEER assessment […]

MAY 6, 2022
READ MORE Charity Fun Day
Charity Fun Day
Last Friday we held a Charity Fun Day. Pupils were invited to wear mufti to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). We also held ‘Summer Fair’ style activities at lunchtime in aid of the DEC Ukraine Appeal. As the external exams started this week, we felt it would be great opportunity to have […]

APR 29, 2022
READ MORE Diversity and Respect
Diversity and Respect
Aldenham’s all-round approach to learning means we’re always on the lookout for ways to expand and enrich the schooling experience for our pupils, such as inviting inspiring guest speakers to the school! Today, we were pleased to welcome TV presenter Emma Willis and fashion consultant Gok Wan as guest speakers to chat to our pupils […]