Aldenham School, Founded 1597

House Drama

Junior House drama started the new academic year with a bang. Students excelled with their creative, bold pieces which revolved around the theme ‘What The Future Holds.’ Collier opened the event with some wonderful ensemble scenes, followed by Swayne who taught us the effects of bullying. Mason then took us into the world of war. Followed by Foster’s moving performance exploring the life of a student transitioning. Beck used some stunning physical theatre to highlight the current environmental crisis, while Neal reminded us about some inspirational figures in history. We then entered the world of technology with Griffin’s ensemble performance, which engaged us with there smooth transitions and use of comedic characters. Last but not least, Elliot reminded us we can be whoever we want to be with their heart-warming performance. Griffin came out on top winning best overall performance, followed by Foster and Beck. Within this pool of talent, Nathan Welply, Emily Armit and Iris Shand were crowned best actors for their stand-out performances. Everyone involved displayed excellent teamwork and performances skills, professionalism and unlimited creativity. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this talent bunch!

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Part of the
Aldenham Foundation