‘Life-changing’ Phab weekend at Aldenham
Staff and students hosted another Phab residential weekend at Aldenham when 29 Sixth Form students along with teaching and non-teaching staff spent an action packed time with 15 young people with special needs, many of whom were returning for the second time. Activities included a petting zoo of exotic animals, a music session run by Electric Umbrella, a visit to Aldenham Country Park, as well as art, baking, science and sports sessions. The beautiful weather ensured that plenty of time was spent outdoors in our superb grounds.
It was a wonderful experience, although challenging at times, where all our students excelled in enabling our guests to have a terrific time. They handled all situations with maturity and forged great bonds with their guests whose parents were hugely grateful to Aldenham students for looking after their children so well. This allowed them to have some important and rare time to themselves. One family commented “We are humbled by how much work, effort, time and care was put into this event… Your pupils are a shining example of all that is great about a great education.”
We are looking forward to repeating this amazing and genuinely life-changing experience next year.
Note: Phab’s aim is very straightforward – to give children, young people and adults with disabilities the same opportunities as everyone else – breaking down barriers, reducing social isolation and building friendships, all whilst having great fun together! Find out more about the organisation here - https://bbc.in/2vIHJjO
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