A Levels

Years 12 and 13

An extensive programme of A Levels is available for both
boys and girls in our Sixth Form.

A Levels and Preparation for University, Degree Apprenticeships and The World of Work.

Most students in the Sixth Form follow a two-year course involving three A Level subjects taken in a linear fashion with no completed public examinations at the end of Year 12. This structure enables suitable depth of study and the necessary maturity of approach to be developed during the course.

Some students have the opportunity to study four A Levels, but for others there are a range of subsidiary courses in areas of wider interest or further development. Students also have the opportunity to take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which is highly regarded by universities.

Beyond the academic, there is targeted support with applications for University and Degree Apprenticeships and there is timetabled and extensive careers programme.